I downloaded the Periscope app on my phone and I found it very
easy to use. In terms of the technology currently available in the library (we
don’t have a webcam and
a smartphone held in a
shaky hand would be so annoying) I don’t think we would be able to stream
successfully which is a pity because I can think of a few times when it would
have been great to stream events. Author visits are probably the most obvious
choices, when we have a ‘big name’ like Darren Shan we
are usually booked out in minutes so to be able to stream the event to schools
that couldn’t get to the library would be great. Other possible events would be
book launches and local history talks. Our Children's Book Festival is due to
begin in October and we are lucky enough to have Chris Riddell coming
to speak to a group of school children......it would be a great opportunity to
try a live stream......maybe I should talk nicely to the guys over in IT........
Let us know how you get on with the live stream in October. #rudai23